Upcoming Events
AEBN - Trade Waste Event
A briefing on the key legal requirements for management of trade waste in QLD, VIC, NSW, SA & WA including some of the key legal issues and pitfalls for environment managers to be aware of.
AEBN - Circular Economy and E-Waste
Legal update on key developments in waste law in NSW, VIC, QLD, SA, WA, including recent cases.
Overview of circular economy regulation and the tension with waste laws.
Review of e-waste regulatory framework.
AEBN - Mid year conference
Update on environmental law developments in NSW, QLD, SA, TAS, NT, WA & ACT including recent and proposed regulatory changes.
AEBN - Pollution Incident Management
Critical overview of legal obligations for management, notification and remediation of pollution incidents in VIC, NSW, SA, WA, QLD, TAS, NT, ACT.
Considerations for effective risk management, including pollution or environmental incident response plans and procedures.
Managing post-incident investigations and liaising with the environmental regulators.
AEBN National Conference - Environmental Compliance
Update on environmental law developments in NSW, QLD, SA, TAS, NT, WA & ACT including recent and proposed regulatory changes.

Summer Briefing: Pollution Incident Response - An exclusive Guthrie Legal/Emerge Associates Client Event
Gabrielle is thrilled to team up with Peter Oxnam, Emerge Associates to offer exclusive seasonal briefings to corporate and government clients and contacts working in environmental management. We cover a breadth of topics from ESG, waste, contamination, compliance and governance based on our client insight and experience across a range of client sectors.
If you are an environmental manager, SHEQ, SHE, operations manager or a CEO, GM, EGM or director with an interest in environmental management and sustainability please contact us to secure your spot at the next exclusive briefing.

Law Institute of Victoria: Environmental Issues Committee Annual Meet
As the former chair of the EIC and a long-time member, Gabrielle is pleased to be meeting with fellow committee members and talking all things environmental law for 2025
Spring Briefing: Contaminated Land
Gabrielle is thrilled to team up with Peter Oxnam, Emerge Associates to offer exclusive seasonal briefings to corporate and government clients and contacts working in environmental management. We cover a breadth of topics from ESG, waste, contamination, compliance and governance based on our client insight and experience across a range of client sectors.

All Energy Australia Conference
Renewables is such a fast-developing sector, staying ahead of the tech developments, terminology, emerging contracting trends and opportunities is key to helping clients enter the market and develop successful generation, transmission and BESS projects.
As renewables remains an important part of my practice, loved catching up at the All Energy Australia conference this afternoon as well as getting on the show floor.
Keeping up with the law: Tetra Tech Coffey in Geelong
Keeping up with the Law: Environmental, Heritage and Sustainability in the Geelong Region
This week Gabrielle joined Tetra Tech Coffey's Kate McCallum and David Lam joined a panel of experts at THE KO event space in Geelong hosting a seminar for clients.
The panelists covered environmental law issues, environmental duties, cultural heritage, and sustainability trends, with a strong emphasis on the compliance issues clients are facing in the Geelong region.
RemTech Europe 2024
Gabrielle is looking forward to attending the RemTech Europe, International Conference and Exhibition on land and water remediation markets and technologies.
The aim of the Conference is to share information on knowledge, innovation and case histories, to encourage the development of remediation processes and the application of new and sustainable technologies and bring together experts, problem owners and suppliers of available services and technologies
InfoTrack Breakfast Event: 3 Years In: Contamination management under the Environment Protection Act 2017
Gabrielle is delighted to be sharing her insight as an Environment & Planning lawyer on how the EP Act in Victoria, which commenced on 1 July 2021 has shaped current practice. She will be sharing her perspective with property lawyers and explore the contaminated land regime in the State. The event is invitation only. If you are a property lawyer and would like more information about upcoming events, please CONTACT us.
What to Watch in Waste in 2024/5
Of all the things that give our clients headaches, waste management can often be among the most complex and challenging issues. Given it is so fundamental to good environmental management as well as sustainability reporting, this event is going to deep-dive into all things waste-related.
Waste management can be a big area of risk for business, depending on your activities, source materials and waste streams. It spans everything from hazardous waste storage, handling and transport, to waste water, to recycling and reuse approvals. It is made substantially more difficult by the fact that waste management is different in each State and Territory and by the fact that in many cases, despite the emergence of circular economy principles, options for recycling and reuse can be difficult to implement. The risks have increased and it's time for most businesses to review how they manage waste across their supply chain (including due diligence about sourced materials as well as waste streams).
Guthrie Legal is thrilled to bring this content with our event partner, Emerge Associates.
If you or your organisation would like to learn more about upcoming events, and how you can attend, please contact us.
Managing Risks Associated with Contaminated Land - A Legal and A Practical Approach
Gabrielle is pleased to be sharing an update on contaminated land regulation nationally to the Australian Environment Business Network, a leading industry group for national entities with environmentally relevant operations. This interactive webinar is provides a wonderful insight for new professionals as well as seasoned professionals. The event website is here.
ALGA Perth Regional Contaminated Land & Groundwater Conference
Gabrielle is delighted to be speaking at the Australasian Land & Groundwater Association’s Perth Ecoforum Conference on 16 May. Gabrielle will be sharing her insight into legal developments in ESG and their impact on remediation projects and contamination management, including in transactional environmental due diligence.
AEBN Webinar: Pollution Incident Notification and Communicating with the Regulators
Environmental incident response is a critical part of environmental and legal risk management. Preparing for pollution and other incidents, training your team on response obligations, developing mandatory plans, and ensuring you have an incident response procedure are critical for environmental managers, GMs, and boards. All jurisdictions including Victoria now have mandatory incident notification obligations which require you to notify incidents of certain types to the environmental regulator.
Gabrielle is delighted to partner wth Senversa to deliver this workshop.
Legalwise Seminars: Environment & Planning Law Conference
Gabrielle will be sharing her insight as a leading environmental lawyer on the latest developments in ESG cases and environmental law enforcement in Victoria. She will explore recent cases and enforcement action of ASIC and EPA Victoria, as well as emerging law and policy and its implications for compliance, governance, risk and liability (including director liability).
Climate Q&A Panel - Law Institute of Victoria LIVe Conference
Gabrielle is looking forward to Chairing a Climate Q&A Panel with pre-eminent lawyers, Jillian Button of Allens, Monique Carroll of Cite Legal.
Australian Environment Business Network 2024 National Environment Conference
Gabrielle returns to provide a national update on environmental law developments for corporate and governmental organisations across Australia. Focussing on the latest policy and legal developments in ESG, environmental compliance, governance and risk, Gabrielle is looking forward to joining the line up of speakers for the 2024 AEBN National Environmental & Carbon Management Compliance Conference: New Laws, Developments & Funding from across Australia for Business
ALGA EnviroDrinks - Melbourne
Hot on the heels of the ALGA EcoForum / SustRem Conference, Gabrielle is looking forward to catching up with her contacts in contamination and remediation

Ecoforum SustRem 2023
Gabrielle is delighted to be presenting at the the Australasian Land & Groundwater Association (ALGA) Ecoforum SustRem 2023 conference.
The focus for this year's conference will be: Meeting the Challenges for a Sustainable Future
Gabrielle will be speaking on 12 October 2023 about “Legal drivers for ESG and Sustainable Remediation”.
She will also be attending other panel sessions on that day and the conference gala dinner - so please reach out and say hello!
Ports Australia's Business and Operations Conference
Gabrielle is thrilled to be attending this years Ports Australia Conference in Geelong, including the Women in Ports breakfast, and key sessions on Green Shipping, energy transition and Decarbonising port supply chains.
LIV Property Law Conference 2023
I am delighted to be a panelist and presenter at LIV’s Property Law Conference in relation to environmental issues impacting all things real estate.
Victorian Planning & Environmental Law Association (VPELA) State Planning Conference
Gabrielle is looking forward to attending the VPELA State conference in Lorne, and focussing in on environmental hazard resilience and flooding. Shout out or flag me down for a coffee!
AEBN’s Mid-Year Conference: Environmental Compliance for Business
Environmental Compliance for Business - New Laws and Developments from Across Australia
Gabrielle will be speaking at AEBN’s mid-year compliance update on key changes to environmental and carbon management obligations, including new developments, from across Australia for business.
Melbourne University: Environmental Law Update
Gabrielle is delighted to be addressing law students at Melbourne University on Victoria’s environmental laws.
Infotrack Webinar: Understanding the Hazards
Understanding the Hazards: Contaminated Land – Changing Legislation & Due Diligence
Gabrielle is delighted to be speaking at Infotrack’s upcoming webinar.
Contamination is a major potential risk to human health and the environment. For those involved in property and corporate transactions, it is important to understand the risks associated with potential (or actual) contamination at a site and the legal and practical implications of contamination. In this webinar, experts will share an overview of contamination risk identification and the key state laws in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, which govern contamination management and liability. The discussion will also delve into the disclosure requirements under the Environment Protection Act 2017 (Vic) and proposed changes to property law disclosures in Queensland.
Webinar: Managing Contaminated Land
Managing Contaminated Land - A Legal and A Practical Approach to Managing Risks Associated with Contaminated Land
Gabrielle is excited to be sharing her insight into contaminated land liability and management issues at the Australian Environment Business Network's upcoming webinar.
Gabrielle speaking on environmental compliance at the 2023 National Conference of the Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN)
Gabrielle is addressing the AEBN’S Annual Conference - National Environmental Compliance for Business Conference: Plan for 2023 – New Laws, Developments & Funding from across Australia. She will be offering an insight into the state of play of environmental laws nationally as well as an update on legal developments in Tasmania and NT. For further information see: AEBN’s website.
Gabrielle speaking on Offshore Wind Development - Marine and Coastal Regulation
Gabrielle speaking on Offshore Wind Development - Marine and Coastal Regulation @ Legalwise Seminars Conference on Environmental Law Issues
Gabrielle speaking on Federal Environmental Laws
Gabrielle speaking on Federal Environmental Laws @ Australian Environment Business Network’s Update on New Environmental Laws from Across Australia
Gabrielle speaking on Regulation of New Waste Technologies
Gabrielle speaking on Regulation of New Waste Technologies @ Legalwise Seminars Conference on Waste Disposal: Key Regulatory Reforms and Updates