Consultants & Contractors
Environmental professionals are the lifeblood of delivering effective environmental solutions.
I work with consultants (of all kinds) every day as part of my work as an environmental lawyer. Typically, I might be engaging consultants as experts in a proceeding or to assist me with legal advice (for example conducting purchaser side environmental due diligence in a transaction).
As I work more closely with environmental consultants, I am acutely aware of the shared space we play in and the need for the consultancy sector itself to have the benefit of legal advice that can help shape client solutions and risk manage work product.
Often a modern approach to environmental law is more about working together collaboratively as part of a client advisory team where we can best play to our strengths. I certainly can’t get my boots on and conduct field investigations (though some days the geoscientist in me wishes I could!) and consultants can’t offer legal advice.
If you are an environmental consultant seeking some help with understanding a legal issue or regulatory framework, I offer legal advice on particular issues and also training to consultancy teams to get everyone up to speed.
If you share my commitment to providing clients with the benefit of strategic advice that genuinely considers different perspectives, please get in touch to explore how I can support you.
Often a modern approach to environmental law is more about working together collaboratively as part of a client advisory team where we can best play to our strengths.
Recent Experience
Training a team from an environmental consultancy on changes relevant to contamination investigation and remediation arising from the introduction of the Environment Protection Act 2017 on 1 July 2021
Advising a national service provider on the application of the general environmental duty and duty to manage to pre-acquisition contamination due diligence in Victoria
Advising a consulting firm on the regulatory framework for remediation of a Victorian mine site and water law issues
Presenting to consultants at EIANZ, ALGA, PEWA and other industry group events on a range of different environmental law topics including: pollution incident response, biodiversity protection and native vegetation, environmental impact assessment, major development projects, and stakeholder engagement in contamination remediation.
Advising on governance arrangements for an environmental consultancy industry group

Professional & Industry Memberships
Australian Environment Business Network
Australasian Land & Groundwater Association
Professional Environmental Women's Association
Law Institute of Victoria