Get ready for the New Environment Protection Act in Victoria

On 2 September 2019, EPA Vic released its long-awaited suite of reform documents: draft Environment Protection Regulations, Transitional Regulations and Environment Reference Standards together with guidance and overview documents. The Regulations support the Environment Protection Act and provide detail on the new scheme. Whilst there is still much uncertainty in some of the detail of the scheme, it’s now time to push ahead with compliance preparations.


The reform of Victoria’s environmental laws is significant.  From 1 July 2020, the new Environment Protection Act 2017 (as amended by the Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018), will bring into effect a wholly new regulatory approach to environmental compliance based on preventative measures to manage environmental risk, similar to the regime for health and safety. 

The new law moves away from the traditional “prohibitive” approach of offence provisions that were only enforced by the EPA after an environmental harm had occurred, to an approach that enables EPA, and in some cases third parties, to enforce environmental laws before harm occurs.  It imposes new obligations on all industry sectors to manage environmental risk in accordance with new compliance requirements. 

There will be a significant increase in penalties under the new regime, and it will be easier for EPA Vic to enforce the regulatory scheme.  There are also new powers for the Courts, and new powers for third parties to both enforce the law and seek compensation. 


The five key changes that are of most interest to my clients are:

key changes


For most organisations, the roadmap for compliance readiness looks like this:

roadmap for readiness

©Guthrie Legal 2020


If you need help with compliance preparedness, I have teamed up with several leading environmental consultancies to offer integrated legal and consulting advice on compliance and risk management. Whether you need a detailed review of your EMS or advice on managing a specific issue, such as making contaminated land notifications, please reach out if you’d like to discuss. I also offer executive and legal team briefings and key personnel training.

The Legal Stuff

Environment Express posts aim to provide high-level and thought-provoking information about contemporary environmental law issues.

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If you are interested in any of the information, please always seek specific advice on your circumstances from a suitably qualified legal advisor.

Whilst attempts have been made to ensure that the content is current at date of publication, Gabrielle Guthrie and Guthrie Legal do not guarantee its currency.  Laws and contemporary practices change over time, including as a result of case law.

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© Gabrielle Guthrie and Guthrie Legal 2020

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Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

By Gabrielle Guthrie | Environmental Lawyer

Gabrielle is a specialist environment and planning lawyer. She works with corporate and government clients, often for businesses with operations in multiple Australian jurisdictions. She has 17+ years’ tactical and technical experience, which includes advice in all Australian States and Territories.


1 July 2021 - Revised start date for Victoria's new environmental laws


Pollution Incident Response & the new Environment Protection Act in Victoria