This morning I addressed Legalwise Seminars on the topic of contamination risk and due diligence. It’s a hot topic in Victoria ahead of the commencement of new environmental protection laws on 1 July 2021. Clients have a limited window of opportunity to prepare for the new scheme.


From the property side, clients with existing real estate interests may wish to consider divestment (to avoid embroilment), early remediation (to avoid being subject to the new contamination management laws) and early investigation and preparation (to ensure that they can comply with the new laws on making a notification of contamination to EPA).


For clients and property professionals working on sales, leases, and development of land, we need to review and if necessary update our thinking and approach to environmental due diligence to make sure we don’t leave clients “holding the baby”: exposed to high compliance costs and possible decreases in land value caused by the new duties to manage contamination.

Below is an abridged version of my slides from the presentation, exploring current and upcoming changes to contaminated land liability and new duties, as well as ideas for environmental due diligence. Grab a coffee and have a quick read

environmental law update


If you are a client or a practitioner and are interested in how the changes to the law will affect you, please get in touch to talk it through or schedule a virtual coffee (soon to be actual coffee, thank you Melbourne!) or a presentation to your team on the key changes and what you can do to minimise liability.

The Legal Stuff

Environment Express posts aim to provide high-level and thought-provoking information about contemporary environmental law issues.

All the information in this article and on this website and any downloads are intended only to provide a summary and general overview on matters of interest.  They are for general educational purposes only.

The information is not intended to be comprehensive nor does it constitute legal advice, strategic advice or consulting advice. It does not establish a lawyer - client relationship. 

If you are interested in any of the information, please always seek specific advice on your circumstances from a suitably qualified legal advisor.

Whilst attempts have been made to ensure that the content is current at date of publication, Gabrielle Guthrie and Guthrie Legal do not guarantee its currency.  Laws and contemporary practices change over time, including as a result of case law.

You should always seek independent legal or other professional advice on specific cases and before acting or relying on any of the content.

© Gabrielle Guthrie and Guthrie Legal 2020

Please contact us for permission if you wish to reproduce any of the content on this website.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

By Gabrielle Guthrie | Environmental Lawyer

Gabrielle is a specialist environment and planning lawyer. She works with corporate and government clients, often for businesses with operations in multiple Australian jurisdictions. She has 17+ years’ tactical and technical experience, which includes advice in all Australian States and Territories.


Enforcement under the new Environment Protection Act 2017 (Vic)


1 July 2021 - Revised start date for Victoria's new environmental laws